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Memorable and engaging books and music for young children that support personal peace and well-being and sink deeply — for life — into children’s hearts and minds.
We assist in guiding children, our leaders of tomorrow, to imagine and create peaceful communities. Like Sesame Street, Dr. Seuss and others, we show children important life and social skills in stories.
Now Available!
The Barnyard Buddies Meet a Newcomer
This exciting adventure brings to light the real-life struggles of children. Readers of all ages are reminded of the importance of belonging for mental and physical health. The extensive Parent and Educator Guide provides several lesson plans.
In this story, a forlorn and hungry refugee dog wanders into the barnyard and common real-life concerns about newcomers are played out by barnyard animals. Portland Pig wonders how this dog will be fed, while others wonder if he’s dangerous. “Dogs bite!” says Ol’ Dot, one of the horses. Ultimately, the characters figure out a way to act compassionately!
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Develop the leaders of tomorrow by sharing these smart tools for life with your children, friends, and co-workers. Together we can co-create a culture we all want to live in.
Benefits of Smart Tools for Life materials
Read aloud books and engaging music are an educational journey for all. We have a skilled team with 50 years experience in creating “smart tools” for children and guiding parents and educators so you know you are using effective strategies for:
- peace building, peacemaking, and peacekeeping
- peace education
- conflict resolution and conflict transformation
- developing peace literacy — guiding kids to see, be, and wage peace
- helping kids learn and practice kindness and compassion
- moving beyond isolation as individuals, in classrooms, homes, and communities
- enhancing critical thinking and building civic skills while holding on to kindness
Children love our books and music! Gaining their interest and participation is easy!
Our Work
Our work is rooted in 50 years of caring, including intensive study of peace education, both on the floor and in the trenches with children, and talking with and learning from teachers and parents in our educational programs. Our first-hand experiences, along with our extensive study of new discoveries from thought leaders the world over, have helped us to select key materials and concepts to provide here, that are both useable and doable, and answer many of the questions you may have about how to provide your children with smart tools for their lives.
Our blog will assist you in guiding children to be
Independent, peaceful problem solving with adults and other children
Enhanced self-assurance and self-confidence
Increased appreciation of diversity
More development of the natural peacemaking tendencies inherent in childhood
More skills for speaking truth to power
An increased ability to handle and peacefully express their emotions
Better ability to dialogue when in disagreement or conflict
More awareness and skills for peacemaking, peacebuilding, and peacekeeping
Enhanced appreciation and love of the Earth
Development of each individual’s full potential