The cover of The Barnyard Buddies STOP for Peace book

Things are changing

No longer a nonprofit. Smart Tools for Life is now working with others

News flash! We have decided to let go of our relationship with Growing Communities for Peace, the non-profit part of our organization. This doesn’t effectively change much except donations will no longer be tax-deductible. Donations are always ok, however, and much appreciated, especially as we begin our next chapter! Also, we are partnering with other nonprofits to do the very important work we continue with!

All kids need to know how to problem solve peacefully

As part of our ongoing commitment that little kids need to learn how to be peacemakers – do conflict resolution independently, learn basic meditation and self-soothing skills, express empathy and compassion readily — Rebecca Janke and I are going to rewrite and reprint “Peacemaker’s A,B,Cs for Young Children: A Guide for Teaching Conflict Resolution with a Peace Table”, which we wrote in 1995 and sold about 13,000 copies! We will be changing the book to fit the STOP process detailed for little kids in “The Barnyard Buddies STOP for Peace”. We will also be updating the references, suggested readings, and including more stories of how peace tables are being used in classrooms and preschools.

Peace literacy starts with young children and is built, like learning a language, at all grade levels.

I’m serving as a Team Leader in another nonprofit’s work.

PeaceMaker Minnesota has a campaign that will bring the STOP process to participating schools.  My goal is to generate 10 contributions of $10 or more on or before Thursday, November 12.

Need your help!

Will you please join me in making a gift on November 12? Contributions can be made here or mailed to PeaceMaker Minnesota, 2131 Fairview Avenue North, Roseville, MN 55113.  Please write Smart Tools for Life on the memo line.

Conflict resolution steps are so important for youth to learn.  This cause is very important to me.  Your support would be greatly appreciated!

Every gift of $10 or more helps PeaceMaker Minnesota to obtain a significant amount of challenge money. But the money must be received soon! By November 19.  Your gift is important for it says that teaching kids conflict resolution skills is important to you.  That statement is inspiring to me and it is others too.  Thank you for doing what you can.

The donations support peace literacy.

All contributions will help elementary schools to use “The Barnyard Buddies Stop for Peace.” This book and mentoring program involves older students in teaching younger students the conflict resolution steps: Stop and breathe, Tell how you feel, Open your mind, and Plan a deal.

Why the STOP process is important for kids

The STOP process acknowledges the importance of all points-of-view. It values dialogue. It is an evolutionary change that moves beyond the belief that one side of any argument has value and the other does not or that “others” have no good reason to even exist. We don’t believe there is any benefit to that thinking.

Innoculate children to protect them from this divisive, anxiety-filled time

As our little kids learn how to become citizens during this time of deep division, they will need advanced skills if they are to move beyond anxiety and antagonism as they grow up. Many of our homes are hotbeds of stress right now. Anxiety is as contagious as the Corona virus. Anger and hatred is expressed by many against their very neighbors these days. To inoculate our kids against our stress and a hate filled outlook, we have to watch our language. We have to remember that they represent our future. What is it that you want them to learn about you, your adherence to the teachings of your faith, your ethics, your compassion? What do you want them to learn about working things out with others as is done in a democracy?

We help children learn to be effective, happy, and indeed peaceful as they grow up. This blog is a request for your participation in creating a positive future! Please help by donating using the link: Contributions can be made here.

Any amount will help! The suggested donation is only $10.00.

It’s likely you’ve been donating to political parties lately. I hope so! I know it’s hard to give today, but isn’t it worth $10 to educate kids? What if they knew how to solve problems with respectful language and attitudes toward their conflict partner? Please contribute now.  Here is the link: Thanks!

Songs for Peace children's music

Smart Tools for Life Announces: New Children’s Music, “Songs for Peace” 

“If we are to reach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with the children,” said Gandhi. But how do we begin with the children if there are very few materials that specifically are designed to build the social skills so important in today’s world? Worse yet, today’s children can’t count on adults to role model these skills. At Smart Tools for Life, and our sister site: Children’s Peace Education Company (coming soon), we are making sure you have the materials to make learning the important social skills of peacemaking, peacebuilding, and peacekeeping fun and engaging for the children in your lives and you also have the support you are looking for to be effective role models and coaches for the youngsters.

The sessions you spend with children sharing our materials will not be boring lessons! You’re likely to find it’s the best time of the day and surely it’s the most important one! Check out this recent article: from Here’s an excerpt from this article where Evan Porter’s talking about a recent study:

“. . .  the 19-year study paints a pretty clear picture: Pro-social behavior matters, even at a young age. And because it can be learned, it’s a great ‘target for prevention or intervention efforts.’

“The bottom line? We need to do more than just teach kids information. We need to invest in teaching them how to relate to others and how to handle the things they’re feeling inside.

“Ignoring social skills in our curricula could have huge ramifications for our kids down the road.”

And that’s why we think it’s SMART to share our TOOLS!

The mission of our nonprofit, Growing Communities for Peace, is to create communities capable of peace. At Smart Tools for Life we are constantly developing children’s books, music, and other materials specifically to develop, maintain and support this culture. While children are enjoying the books and music, they will learn all sorts of “smart tools” that they can use throughout their lives. These smart tools include: peaceful conflict resolution, anger management (or how to use their anger wisely), and how to show caring, kindness, and compassion for themselves, others, and the Earth.

And thanks to your efforts, it will be the children that really change the culture, as their lives reflect the new “normal.” A normal where dialogue is used instead of violence, where care and kindness for “others” is commonplace, where people know how to work out their conflicts peacefully, and violence is so far down the list of possible choices, it is rare.

Between the ages of three and nine, children are sponges. The way they learn is different from how they will learn as adults. It’s a perfect opportunity to set in motion the wheels that will eventually turn the heavy load: our entire culture!

Songs for Peace

Our new music, Songs for Peace has 3 to 9 year-olds in mind. This upbeat music, geared for even those youngsters with short attention spans and a lively nature, includes movement on “I Can Make Peace All Over the Land,” (with feet and hands stamping and clapping) and on “Stretch High and Round.” There is dialogue between the songs that shows children that other children embrace this music. Children celebrate themselves on “I Smile at Myself,” “I’m Always the Right Age,” and “The Good Heart Journal.” They learn why it’s great to have diversity on, “Hurray! We’re Different (And Alike).” Downloads and CDs available at, or go to our products page and purchase it here. Also check out our other new music “I STOP for Peace.” More in the next blog.